Sunday, November 6, 2011

Frech Toast, Coconut and Lemon!

This week I decided to make French Toast, Coconut and Lemon cupcake recipes. For these recipes I had to pick up a bunch of stuff including maple syrup - yummy! I might have to make pancakes one day and have maple syrup on it.

The french toast smelled so great as I am making it. So much maple :D

For the coconut recipe, I had to toast the coconut flakes in a pan before adding it to the mixture. It certainly gave the cupcake a bit of crunch and was all around delicious! 

The lemon recipe required a bit longer process. In fact before I made the first two recipes, I had to make lemon curd (needed to make the lemon cream on top). From the book, I couldn't get a visual of what to expect so I decided to youtube instructions to know what the final product should be. It was great! You can find so many cooking instructions online. 

This is process of the lemon recipe:

I love how you can keep whipping the cream and it becomes all light and fluffy. I love the texture. However at that texture, you can't pipe it on top of the cupcake; hence it became a dollop. 

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